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Our Classes
Grief: Normal, Essential and Challenging!
Although everyone experiences grief, it is a unique process for each individual. What is grief? How do you manage it? When will it be over? What can you do to start feeling better? If you are looking for answers on how to “get your life back”, this seminar could be very helpful. Attend this one-hour session that is aimed to answer your questions and hopefully provide you with some coping tools to start the healing process.
All care team members across the MaineHealth system are invited to join this one-hour virtual seminar, offered on January 30, from 4:00-5:00 pm.
Do you have questions? Please email instructor Gisele Biron at
For Couples: Balancing Work, Life, & Family
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
Achieving balance seems impossible. Juggling work, family, and other demands can feel draining. But amidst the busyness of your schedules, your relationship can still thrive. In this class, you'll learn how to express your needs, align your goals as a couple, and set boundaries and say no so that you can find a balance that works best for your family team. Once the therapist has guided you through exercises and personal reflections, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is completely anonymous and there is no audio or video required to ask questions. Can't join live? That’s okay! Many people prefer to use on-demand videos. Everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording.
Building an Inclusive Workplace Culture
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
Healthy workplaces are ones where people feel that they have a voice and that they belong. People want to feel valued and respected in their roles and contributions. Unfortunately, this can feel challenging depending on your workplace culture. In this class, your host will teach you how to invite collaboration and participation in your workplace through developing clear expectations, effective communication, and productive meetings. You’ll identify your own levels of comfort and safety and plan for how to be a part of positive change for your work team. Once the therapist has guided you through exercises and personal reflections, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is completely anonymous and there is no audio or video required to ask questions. Can't join live? That’s okay! Many people prefer to use on-demand videos. Everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording.
For Couples: Practicing Compromise Together
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
Research says that 2/3 of all conflict stems from perpetual, unsolvable problems. This means for the majority of conflicts, each partner will need to identify where they can be flexible with their needs and practice compromise. In this class, you’ll work through some simple exercises to help you and your partner reach a healthy compromise. When you can end your conflicts this way, you learn to honor each other’s needs and minimize your conflicts going forward. Don’t let a lack of compromise keep you from connecting. Come ready for a gentle, guided discussion. While we strive to offer you educational therapy content, the goal of this workshop is to drive connection between you and your partner, offering a space for you both to be vulnerable about your needs. Once the therapist has guided you through exercises and personal reflections, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is completely anonymous and there is no audio or video required to ask questions. Can't join live? That’s okay! Many people prefer to use on-demand videos. Everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording.
Nurturing Adolescence
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
Adolescence can feel overwhelming for you and your kid. It’s normal to want to just get through it as quickly as possible because of all the hormonal, emotional, physical, and social changes. Yet merely surviving adolescence with your kid deprives you of the incredible opportunity to connect with them and to shape the adult that they’ll become. In this class, your host will unpack the important brain and body changes of adolescence and guide you in how to support your kid through these changes. You’ll learn how to thrive in this adolescent stage by boosting your kid’s brain development in the areas of problem-solving, empathy, and executive functioning skills. Once the therapist has guided you through exercises and personal reflections, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is completely anonymous and there is no audio or video required to ask questions. Can't join live? That’s okay! Many people prefer to use on-demand videos. Everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording.
For Couples: How to Repair Your Relationship
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
When trust levels are low, whether because of big trauma or small disappointments, you need the tools to create safety again in your relationship. In this class, you’ll begin by identifying what factors have damaged safety and trust between you. Then, you’ll work on communicating your expectations and goals for the future. Finally, you’ll practice vulnerability exercises to help increase empathy, openness, and trust in your relationship. Once the therapist has guided you through exercises and personal reflections, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is completely anonymous and there is no audio or video required to ask questions. Can't join live? That’s okay! Many people prefer to use on-demand videos. Everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording.
Time for you: Don't be part of the no-vacation nation
Click here to register for this online Resources for Living session.
Too many people don’t make time or take time for themselves. Join this webinar to learn why vacations are not just important, but critical for your:
• Physical well-being
• Creativity, coping and mental health
• Overall ability to be and do your best
Addressing Burnout
Click here to join this online Talkspace session.
Burnout is caused by prolonged or chronic stress and leaves you feeling trapped, helpless, and defeated. The good news is that burnout is manageable. In this class, your host will guide you through mindfulness practices, identifying the cause, and implementing practical steps to reduce your symptoms of burnout. Once the therapist is done guiding, they'll open up the class for questions. You'll be able to ask our therapist anything, anonymously. Note: your attendance is 100% anonymous, and everyone who signs up will gain access to the live video recording afterward.