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Personal Well-being
What's your EI? Becoming aware of your emotional intelligence

Click here to register for this online Resources for Living session.
Emotions can be overwhelming sometimes. It's important to be aware of your feelings and know how to manage them.
This webinar will:
- Review the characteristics of people with high EI.
- Discuss how to develop your EI.
- Provide ways to identify and manage emotions.
Ready, set, relax

Click here to register for this online Resources for Living session.
Join this webinar to fill your toolbox with relaxation techniques like:
• Meditation
• Deep breathing
• Guided imagery, and more
Finding comfort beyond the comfort zone

Click here to register for this online Resources for Living session.
Does the idea of taking a risk in your work or personal life frighten you? If so, you’re not alone. In this webinar we will:
* Discuss your comfort zone and why you tend to stay there.
* Review what factors may be keeping you from trying new things.
* Talk about ways to break out of your comfort zone.